Lemon & Mānuka Tea IceBlocks

Lemon Manuka Popsicles

With Summer upon us it’s the perfect time to be outdoors and active. In our hot and pretty unforgiving NZ sun we all need to find a way to keep cool. One of the best and easiest ways to do this is to indulge in a store bought ice cream or ice block.

Here at ŌKU we put our heads together and Helen came up with this super yummy and healthy alternative which is also super easy to make. You can actually use any of our teas in this recipe but we think our lovely lemony and minty Mānuka Tea works best.

Give it go and let us know what you think!

Lemon Mānuka Popsicles (makes 6)



  1. Brew Mānuka Tea in water and remove loose leaf or tea bags after 5-10 minutes (mānuka tends to go bitter the longer it is brewed).

  2. Add honey and stir until dissolved then allow to cool.

  3. Add lemon juice and pour into the popsicle tray. Freeze for 2 hours before adding wooden ice block sticks and freeze for a further 4 hours or until frozen.

  4. Run molds briefly under warm water to help release ice blocks. Makes 6.


Scott from ŌKU on the 'Duct Tape & Flip Flops' Podcast


ŌKU NZ Health for planet and people